Sunday, July 18, 2010

You Must Be Blind

You must be blind if you cannot see your potential.
You must be blind cause you can't see beyond your windshield.

You must be blind, if you can't see your dream.
You must be blind, walking around failing makes me want to scream.

You must be blind, settling for second best.
You must be blind, being led by all the rest.

You must be blind, thinking all you are is average.

One day maybe you will see, opening your eyes will lead you to your destiny.

Dr. Donna

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Today I was in Starbucks and I said “hello” to the gentlemen standing next to me. He smiled and said “hello”. I asked how he was doing and he said, "I am doing great, it's Wednesday and the week is almost over." I told him "I work for myself so every day is great." He smiled and said "You're right." He walked out the door to go to his place of employment. I sat in the chair, read my magazine and enjoyed my cup of tea.

I thought about his words, "Great because it's Wednesday," I wonder what would happen if everyone just took each day as its own. What if you cherished Saturday just as much as Tuesday? How different might your life become if you stopped seeing the week as two parts, weekday and weekend. By compartmentalizing the week you minimize your possibilities.

Whether you have a job, a career, your own business or a combination, stop limiting your time based upon the day of the week. Begin to view each day as a major part in your life.

Dr. Donna

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Today I Gave Notice

Today I gave my two weeks notice.
Today I said, no longer will I have faith in man because there are just too many obstacles.
Today I said, I will put my faith in, God he makes it all possible.
Today I said, hello to my dreams.
Today I said, I believe that I can fly and now I can see my wings.
Today I said, I welcome the challenge and it feels great to be free.
Today, I walked away from a job so that I can finally be me!

Dr. Donna

Monday, June 14, 2010

Who is that?

Who is that, standing in the corner afraid?
Who is that, blaming everyone else?
Who is that, saying could have, should have, would have?
Who is that, settling for less?
Who is that, with a dead dream inside of them?
Who is that, mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally dying?

Is it you......

Dr. Donna

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Good Connections vs Bad Connections

"We all have some type of connection" - Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

Driving down the highway and your cell phone never drops a signal - Good Connection
Drivining down the highway and you keep losing the cell phone signal - Bad Connection

Watching your favorite movie/program and the Cable/Dish is working - Good Connection
Watching your favorite movie/program and the Cable/Dish stops working - Bad Connection

Having a network that is well rounded and keeps you moving forward - Good Connection
Having a network full of losers and stops you dead in your tracks - Bad Connection

The choice is yours, what kind of connections are you making?

Dr. Donna

Saturday, June 5, 2010

What Would Happen?

"What can happen when you let it?" Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

What would happen if, everyday you woke up with a smile on your face?
What would happen if, you stopped making excuses?
What would happen if, you only had faith?
What would happen if, you lived life to the fullest?
What would happen if, you focused on only on the good?
What would happen if, you stopped using the word can't?
What would happen if, you pursued your dream despite what others make think?
What would happen if, you learned how to tell people No?
What would happen if, you actually used your talent?
What would happen if, you began to love yourself?

So.... make it happen!

Dr. Donna

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tough Decisions

"The great part about life is that, You actually do have a choice" Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

Right or Wrong
Left or Right
Tough or Soft
Yell or Wispher
Laugh or Cry
Succeed or Fail
Leap or Fall
Fear or Faith
Love or Hate
Believe or Doubt
Live or Die

Each day you wake up and make decisions. The question is, are you aware that you are making them?

Dr. Donna

Monday, May 31, 2010

Picture Perfect

"Perfection, is an illusion" - Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

Have you ever scheduled an appointment to take a photo?

The day arrives and something always goes wrong, the lights are too bright, you don't hold your head quite right, your smile is slightly off, your shirt collar was bent, etc.

The question is what do you do with those bad photos? You delete them and you keep taking the picture over and over, until it's perfect; "Picture Perfect."

There is a flaw with focusing on being Picture Perfect, it is not real. Nothing in life will ever be perfect. So stop trying to be perfect.

Focus on becoming your best.

Becoming your best requires that you understand, there will be people who don't support you and do not share your passion. Know that obstacles will occur and you will need to navigate through all of them. This means that you may fail a thousand times before you get it right. You may hear 20,000 "NO's" before you hear the "Yes" that will be the tipping point for your business. What matters most, is that each day your mindset is to "Win" because being "Picture Perfect" only last for a nanosecond.

Make it Powerful Day!
Dr. Donna

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Freedom in Giving Up

"If the little engine can do it so can you!" Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

It is so easy to give up. You really need to do nothing at all. There is no accountability, responsibility, or agility. You simply decide each day to fail. You make excuses and then you ask for pity as to why you cannot and will not accomplish your dream.

When you give up you are bound. That is a fact. You are prisoner to your situation and there is no parole and you will never be free.

I am convinced that no person truly intends on giving up they simply do not believe in their own abilities. In their minds life has dealt them a bad hand. Circumstances have caused them to be in a bad place. It really is nonsense in the end.

Take back control of your life and try and try and try until you succeed. That is true freedom.

Make it a powerful day!
Dr. Donna

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Somethings Missing

Your daily to do list:

Wake up - Check
Get Dressed - Check
Walk out the door - Check
Drive to the office/work - Check
Perform job tasks all day - Check
Drive home - Check
Eat dinner/Family time - Check
Relax - Check
Go to Sleep - Check

Something is missing......

Pursue your dream - No
Time to make an adjustment to your daily checklist!

Dr. Donna

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Would you?

Would you walk through a burning building just for a thrill?
Would you pull your heart from your body to see if it will hurt?
Would you take all of your money and throw it into the street?
Would you pour acid down your throat and wonder if you could digest it?
Would you go to the office and lay on top of your desk and sleep for 8 hours?
Would you spend 40 hours a week staring at a folded moving box?

Of course the answer to all of the questions above are NO.

What is your answer to the questions below:

Do you constantly find yourself caught up in drama, or heated situations?
Do you fall in love every other month with a no good loser?
Do you party, shop and entertain well beyond your economic limit?
Do you consume, food and beverages that harm your body?
Do you go to work everyday and accomplish abosloutely nothing?
Do you spend hours upon hours each week watching teleivison?

Change your habits, change your life, follow your dreams.
Dr. Donna

Friday, April 2, 2010

Internal POWER

" The difference between success and failure begins on the inside" Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

Have you often wondered what drives a person?

What causes someone to lose control and yet another person to stay focused and achieve their dreams?

Why does someone say yes to drugs, alcohol, death and destruction?

Yet another peron chooses a life filled with love, good health, success and happiness?

Why are someone people poor and yet others are Multi-Millionaires?

Why does someone drop out of high school and others earn Ph.D's?

The answer is simply: Internal POWER.

Make it a POWERFUL day!

Dr. Donna

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

NO Looking Back

"You can't drive forward looking through the rear view mirror; focus on where you are going, not where you have been" Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

When you are focused on accomplishing a goal it is easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day work. When challenges arise you want to retrace your steps and begin to calculate risk. Pursuing a goal is like comepting in track and field. Looking back is not effective.

In track and field while running when you look backwards it affects your time. In sprinting events each time you look behind, you will lose two steps. This is crucial as it can mean the difference in winning and losing a race.

As you focus on achieving success, you do not have time to keep looking backwards. You need to focus on where you are going and not on where you have been. It takes discipline, mental toughness and daily focus to move forward no matter what is going on around you.

Keeping your eyes set on your destination will ensure that you win!

Make it a POWERFUL day!
Dr. Donna

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Your POWER Box

"Your success is derived from your ability to draw from your POWER" Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

Have you ever been at home and the lights go out in one room? You instantly go to the circuit breaker box and you flip the circuit back to the on position. You perform this task without even thinking about it, in fact it is second nature for you.

Did you know that you also have an internal POWER box? When one area of your life is not fully charged you need to go to your POWER box and flip the switch. Your life is just like the circuit breaker box in your home. When one area is out of POWER turn the POWER back on immediately, make it second nature.

Don't let a POWER outage stop you from achieving your dreams.

Make it a POWERFUL day!
Dr. Donna

Monday, March 22, 2010

The POWER of too small

"No one has ever made it big, playing it small." Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

Growing up it seemed like overnight you had outgrown your favorite clothes or your favorite shoes. You put them on and they did not fit. You really wanted them to fit because you enjoyed them so much. You always recieved compliments when you had them on. Your parents told you to take them off because they were too small. You resisted and they insisted and eventually they won. They even supported you by going out and purchasing a new clothes or new shoes. Ensuring that the new items fit who you were becoming.

Today we often find ourselves operating in small circles. We have freinds, careers, and lives that are too small yet we continue to try and fit in with them. As adults we do not have our parents around telling us that we look ridiculous trying to fit into this small environment. We have to identify it on our own. You know it is too small when you find that you have to be someone else in order to operate in the group. If you have to become small to fit in it is time to transition.

Begin to use your POWER and free yourself from being too small, just like with your clothes you need bigger friends, a bigger career and a bigger life. No one has ever achieved success being too small.

Make it a POWERFUL day!

Dr. Donna

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The POWER of Change

"Our inability to change, impacts our ability to succeed!" Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

The truth is that most people do not like change. They resist it as if it were the flu. But the reality is that in order to achieve success in your life you will need to change. You may need to change your circle, your career, your friends, your mindset, your life.

You came here with a talent and you are harming yourself and others by not using it. Your resistance to change is stopping your progress. The best method to approach change is to embrace it. STOP being fearful of it and know that through change, growth and success are on the other side.

Use your POWER today and begin your change process TODAY!

Make it a POWERFUL day!

Dr. Donna

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Have you ever found yourself at an event or doing an activity that you know is not apart of who you are? The question is, why did you participate? Why did you say YES? Did you want to be accepted? Did you think that it would be fun?

Today and going forward only go to events, and particpate in activities that enhance who you are. It is okay to stand alone in your own POWER. When you operate in you highest level consistently, business opportunities, friends and family will naturally be drawn to you.

Make it a POWERFUL day!

Dr. Donna

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Friday POWER Focus

Today is Friday and most people are ready to relax, rest and have a good time. It is easy to lose focus. What if Friday were the first day of the week instead of the last. What would you do and how would you act.

The Greats like Oprah, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, The Donald, Denzel, Kobe, John Wooden, Michael Jordan, Chopin, Larry Bird, and Michael Phelps all have worked, overtime, weekends and holidays to achieve success.

Use your POWER everyday continually to accomplish your goals. FriDAY is exactly that another DAY. Do not lose the momentum that you have built up all week, leverage it to become great. Look at Friday as another 24 hours to excel.

Make it a POWERFUL Day!

Dr. Donna

Sunday, March 14, 2010

STOP Complaining

It is so easy to complain. You simply open up your mouth and begin to speak. You get to make excuses for all of the reasons why you CAN'T. I just want to tell you two words about complaining, SHUT UP!

STOP sending out invitations to your pitty party and getting upset when no one shows up. If you don't like what is going on in your life then change it. Begin today, by making yourself a promise that you will stop being a victim and become a victor. Give the positive people in your life permission to call you on it everytime you begin to drive down Complaining Avenue. It will ensure that you stop this awful, negative, self-destructive habit.

Your life, your career and your situation will only change when you start to feel, act, and think like a winner.

STOP Complaining and START Claiming.

Make it a POWERFUL day!
Dr. Donna

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Power of More or Less

Often times the belief is that more is better. If you have more debt are your finances better? If you have more friends with more drama, do you feel better? If you have more alocholic drinks, is your liver happy? If you are a diabetic and you continue to eat the wrong foods, is your body healthy.

The POWER to purchase less, have quality relationships, and take care of your body inside and out is so much more effective.

The next time you are having "More" ask yourself is this helping me or hurting me.

Have a POWERFUL day!

Dr. Donna

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Who's fault is it?

If your life sucks, it's your fault.

If you hate your job, it's your fault.
If you are not successful, it's your fault.
If you are unhappy, its your fault.
If you did not finish colleg, it's your fault.
If you are lazy, it's your fault.
If you are broke, it's your fault.
If you have bad credit, it's your fault.
If you have too much drama in your life, it's your fault.
If you want to lose weight and have not, it' your fault.
If you have a medical illness and you continue to live unhealthy, it's your fault.
If you don't have the life that you want, it's your fault.

You have the ability to change every area of your life because it's Your CHOICE.
Dr. Donna

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Power to Quit

Use your Power and begin to Quit:

Quit being lazy

Quit feeling sorry for yourself

Quit thinking that you are being treated unfarily

Quit hanging around negative people

Quit making excuses

Quit cheating the system

Quit, Quitting

Use your Power to start, and never give up on YOU!

Make it a Powerful Day!

Dr. Donna

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No one said it would be easy

It is amazing that most people talk about wanting success but, very few are willing to do the work.

It is not easy to earn a degree/s.
It is not easy to start a business and operate in the red for years before a profit is generated.
It is not easy to publish a book by yourself or with a publisher.
It is not easy to have people tell you that you don't have what it takes, even when you know that you are fulfilling your destiny.
It is not easy, to stand alone and break free from the norm.
It is not easy to miss out on sleep, vacations, and parties.
It is not easy to make financial sacrifices while others live for the moment.

Nothing about achieving success is easy but, it sure as hell is better than being average!

Dr. Donna

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Your Championship

Okay so there are millions of people watching the Super Bowl today.

The Saints and the Colts have worked very hard to make it to their Championship.

The question is what are you doing to work towards winning your own Championship?

Dr. Donna

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Power of Fear

Fear will make you believe that "This is as good as it gets."
Fear will cause you to take a job instead of living a dream.
Fear will put you in a box that will ensure you never break free.
Fear will cause brain damage and you will never have another innovative thought.
Fear will limit your network, ensuring everyone looks, acts, and thinks like you.
Fear will put you in debt and doubt.
Fear will take every fiber of your being and destroy your peace.

If fear was a good trait to possess then there would be awards for it. Stop living a life of fear and start walking in Faith.Dr. Donna

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jump Start your Staff

1. Greet them with a smile everyday, and say thank you often.
2. Feed them healthy meals at least once a month.
3. Ask them about their lives outside of work.
4. Inspect what you expect.
5. Develop their strengths by providing frequent coaching.
6. Give them honest feedback about their work.
7. Stop talking about them behind their backs.
8. Tell them the truth. (it makes for a healthy work environment)
9. Take ownership in their success.
10. Reward them for great Results/Performance. Hold them accountable to meet the standards.

People will knock down doors when you show and they know that you care!

Dr. Donna

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Truth Is..

The truth is, you are not successful because you are lazy.
The truth is, you are overweight because you lack self control.
The truth is, you are a functional drunk because you don't go to AA meetings.
The truth is, your negative circle is suffocating your dream.
The truth is, you are more afraid of success than failure.
The truth is, you avoid looking in mirrors because you no longer recognize the person looking back at you.
The truth is, you would rather make excuses than confront your fears and go for it.

The truth is, if you were a true leader you would blaze new trails for others to follow.
The truth is, if you stepped outside of your comfort zone you could conquer the world.
The truth is, feel the fear and do it anyway. (Susan Jeffers)
The truth is, if you never took another pill, drink, or drug your head would be clear and you could become extraordinary!

Dr. Donna

Monday, February 1, 2010

Who's pulling your Kite String?

If no one has told you, let me be the first: You were meant to soar in life.

The question is who or what is holding you back?

Think about a kite. It needs someone to release the string so that it can fly. It also needs a strong wind to soar.

Do you have a person to release your string and the wind to push you higher?
Or, do you have someone in your life pulling your string so that you stay trapped on the ground?

Your ability to achieve success is in the person holding your string and the energy needed to push you forward.

If your are not soaring high in life it is time to cut the string and get a new one. Find another field with enough wind and room for you to soar!

Dr. Donna

Sunday, January 31, 2010

What are you bad at?

There are some people that are really good at knowing what they do well.
The question is, do you know what you can't do well?
I mean do you really know the areas in your life that you suck in?
The answer to this question may not seem important but, it really is value added. When you know what you are bad at then, you can use that to become great in the areas where you are strong.

Being bad in one area ensures that you will excel in another.

Here is an example, I cannot sing or dance. In fact I am worse than terrible in those areas (if that is even possible). However, I am a fantastic leader and an outstanding problem solver. As a result I focus on the areas that I perform well in. It makes no sense for me to waste time on singing or dancing lessons because I am tone deaf and I have 2 left feet. Therefore, I focus all of my time and energy on honing my craft.

Might I suggest that you do the same.

The first step is to fill in the blank:
1. I am good at ________________________.
2. I am bad at _________________________.

Now, don't waste anymore time trying to be good at being bad. Focus on becoming extraordinary in the area that you were meant to succeed in.

Dr. Donna

Saturday, January 30, 2010

You Quit

If you have a job you loath then, you quit!
If you are overweight then, you quit!
If you are in debt and keep spending then, you quit!
If you need a drink everyday "Just to take the edge off" then, you quit!
If you are in a dead end relationship and you won't leave then, you quit!
If your dream is stuck inside of you then, you quit!
If you walk around afraid to be yourself, because you care what other's think about you then, you quit!
If you "half ass it" as a parent then, you quit!
If you have a secret addiction then, you quit!
If you can't be honest at least with yourself then, you quit!
If you constantly sell yourself short then, you quit!

There is only one thing gained from quitting...... NOTHING!

Don't be a quitter!

Dr. Donna

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who Stole Your Passion

There is a point in your live when you believe that you can accomplish your goals.

Then somewhere along your path an event occurs and you either press on, or you submit to the obstacle. If you give into the challenging event then you begin to die each day..... slowly. The sad part of giving in, is that no one really notices the difference because it is subtle. Eventually you turn into this person that lacks ambition, joy, passion and most importantly your dream no longer exist.

Your perception may be that the person you married to has impacted it, or your job stole it, or your children stifled it. The true reality is that people only have the power to take your passion if you allow them.

The bad news is that you took your passion from yourself.

The good news is that you have the power to give it back.

Take a moment and reflect:

1. When was the last time you walked in your passion?
2. Fast forward to the moment you stopped.
3. Erase the moment, event, or person that casued the shift.
4. Now start to live in your passion again.

Dr. Donna

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Cold Truth about Success

The cold truth about success is that if you decide to quit, the you will continue to be average. If you press forward and are relentless then you will always achieve success. I am often insulted by people that believe success was given to someone on a silver platter. The road to achieve success is one less traveled because it is filled with enormous challenges, that take mental, physical and emotional strength to navigate through. If you honestly believe that you are going to be successful by sitting around wishing and talking then you will be covered in dust waiting on your manifestation.

It takes 10,00 hours to become an expert in any field. If you are not willing to commit at that level then stop talking about "what you are going to do." In order to achieve success it requires daily focus. It means putting down the remote and picking up your craft. Sure you may miss out on a couple of social activities, or even sleep but, if you are truly determined then you will reap the rewards.

The cold truth about success is that there is no quick fix in achieving it. The road to success is simple either "put up or shut up!"

Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dr. Donna is saying if you don't like your current situation change it! We all have the mental capacity to make it happen!