Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Today I Gave Notice

Today I gave my two weeks notice.
Today I said, no longer will I have faith in man because there are just too many obstacles.
Today I said, I will put my faith in, God he makes it all possible.
Today I said, hello to my dreams.
Today I said, I believe that I can fly and now I can see my wings.
Today I said, I welcome the challenge and it feels great to be free.
Today, I walked away from a job so that I can finally be me!

Dr. Donna

Monday, June 14, 2010

Who is that?

Who is that, standing in the corner afraid?
Who is that, blaming everyone else?
Who is that, saying could have, should have, would have?
Who is that, settling for less?
Who is that, with a dead dream inside of them?
Who is that, mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally dying?

Is it you......

Dr. Donna

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Good Connections vs Bad Connections

"We all have some type of connection" - Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

Driving down the highway and your cell phone never drops a signal - Good Connection
Drivining down the highway and you keep losing the cell phone signal - Bad Connection

Watching your favorite movie/program and the Cable/Dish is working - Good Connection
Watching your favorite movie/program and the Cable/Dish stops working - Bad Connection

Having a network that is well rounded and keeps you moving forward - Good Connection
Having a network full of losers and stops you dead in your tracks - Bad Connection

The choice is yours, what kind of connections are you making?

Dr. Donna

Saturday, June 5, 2010

What Would Happen?

"What can happen when you let it?" Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

What would happen if, everyday you woke up with a smile on your face?
What would happen if, you stopped making excuses?
What would happen if, you only had faith?
What would happen if, you lived life to the fullest?
What would happen if, you focused on only on the good?
What would happen if, you stopped using the word can't?
What would happen if, you pursued your dream despite what others make think?
What would happen if, you learned how to tell people No?
What would happen if, you actually used your talent?
What would happen if, you began to love yourself?

So.... make it happen!

Dr. Donna

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tough Decisions

"The great part about life is that, You actually do have a choice" Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

Right or Wrong
Left or Right
Tough or Soft
Yell or Wispher
Laugh or Cry
Succeed or Fail
Leap or Fall
Fear or Faith
Love or Hate
Believe or Doubt
Live or Die

Each day you wake up and make decisions. The question is, are you aware that you are making them?

Dr. Donna