Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Power to Quit

Use your Power and begin to Quit:

Quit being lazy

Quit feeling sorry for yourself

Quit thinking that you are being treated unfarily

Quit hanging around negative people

Quit making excuses

Quit cheating the system

Quit, Quitting

Use your Power to start, and never give up on YOU!

Make it a Powerful Day!

Dr. Donna

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No one said it would be easy

It is amazing that most people talk about wanting success but, very few are willing to do the work.

It is not easy to earn a degree/s.
It is not easy to start a business and operate in the red for years before a profit is generated.
It is not easy to publish a book by yourself or with a publisher.
It is not easy to have people tell you that you don't have what it takes, even when you know that you are fulfilling your destiny.
It is not easy, to stand alone and break free from the norm.
It is not easy to miss out on sleep, vacations, and parties.
It is not easy to make financial sacrifices while others live for the moment.

Nothing about achieving success is easy but, it sure as hell is better than being average!

Dr. Donna

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Your Championship

Okay so there are millions of people watching the Super Bowl today.

The Saints and the Colts have worked very hard to make it to their Championship.

The question is what are you doing to work towards winning your own Championship?

Dr. Donna

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Power of Fear

Fear will make you believe that "This is as good as it gets."
Fear will cause you to take a job instead of living a dream.
Fear will put you in a box that will ensure you never break free.
Fear will cause brain damage and you will never have another innovative thought.
Fear will limit your network, ensuring everyone looks, acts, and thinks like you.
Fear will put you in debt and doubt.
Fear will take every fiber of your being and destroy your peace.

If fear was a good trait to possess then there would be awards for it. Stop living a life of fear and start walking in Faith.Dr. Donna

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jump Start your Staff

1. Greet them with a smile everyday, and say thank you often.
2. Feed them healthy meals at least once a month.
3. Ask them about their lives outside of work.
4. Inspect what you expect.
5. Develop their strengths by providing frequent coaching.
6. Give them honest feedback about their work.
7. Stop talking about them behind their backs.
8. Tell them the truth. (it makes for a healthy work environment)
9. Take ownership in their success.
10. Reward them for great Results/Performance. Hold them accountable to meet the standards.

People will knock down doors when you show and they know that you care!

Dr. Donna

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Truth Is..

The truth is, you are not successful because you are lazy.
The truth is, you are overweight because you lack self control.
The truth is, you are a functional drunk because you don't go to AA meetings.
The truth is, your negative circle is suffocating your dream.
The truth is, you are more afraid of success than failure.
The truth is, you avoid looking in mirrors because you no longer recognize the person looking back at you.
The truth is, you would rather make excuses than confront your fears and go for it.

The truth is, if you were a true leader you would blaze new trails for others to follow.
The truth is, if you stepped outside of your comfort zone you could conquer the world.
The truth is, feel the fear and do it anyway. (Susan Jeffers)
The truth is, if you never took another pill, drink, or drug your head would be clear and you could become extraordinary!

Dr. Donna

Monday, February 1, 2010

Who's pulling your Kite String?

If no one has told you, let me be the first: You were meant to soar in life.

The question is who or what is holding you back?

Think about a kite. It needs someone to release the string so that it can fly. It also needs a strong wind to soar.

Do you have a person to release your string and the wind to push you higher?
Or, do you have someone in your life pulling your string so that you stay trapped on the ground?

Your ability to achieve success is in the person holding your string and the energy needed to push you forward.

If your are not soaring high in life it is time to cut the string and get a new one. Find another field with enough wind and room for you to soar!

Dr. Donna