Monday, May 31, 2010

Picture Perfect

"Perfection, is an illusion" - Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

Have you ever scheduled an appointment to take a photo?

The day arrives and something always goes wrong, the lights are too bright, you don't hold your head quite right, your smile is slightly off, your shirt collar was bent, etc.

The question is what do you do with those bad photos? You delete them and you keep taking the picture over and over, until it's perfect; "Picture Perfect."

There is a flaw with focusing on being Picture Perfect, it is not real. Nothing in life will ever be perfect. So stop trying to be perfect.

Focus on becoming your best.

Becoming your best requires that you understand, there will be people who don't support you and do not share your passion. Know that obstacles will occur and you will need to navigate through all of them. This means that you may fail a thousand times before you get it right. You may hear 20,000 "NO's" before you hear the "Yes" that will be the tipping point for your business. What matters most, is that each day your mindset is to "Win" because being "Picture Perfect" only last for a nanosecond.

Make it Powerful Day!
Dr. Donna