Sunday, January 31, 2010

What are you bad at?

There are some people that are really good at knowing what they do well.
The question is, do you know what you can't do well?
I mean do you really know the areas in your life that you suck in?
The answer to this question may not seem important but, it really is value added. When you know what you are bad at then, you can use that to become great in the areas where you are strong.

Being bad in one area ensures that you will excel in another.

Here is an example, I cannot sing or dance. In fact I am worse than terrible in those areas (if that is even possible). However, I am a fantastic leader and an outstanding problem solver. As a result I focus on the areas that I perform well in. It makes no sense for me to waste time on singing or dancing lessons because I am tone deaf and I have 2 left feet. Therefore, I focus all of my time and energy on honing my craft.

Might I suggest that you do the same.

The first step is to fill in the blank:
1. I am good at ________________________.
2. I am bad at _________________________.

Now, don't waste anymore time trying to be good at being bad. Focus on becoming extraordinary in the area that you were meant to succeed in.

Dr. Donna

Saturday, January 30, 2010

You Quit

If you have a job you loath then, you quit!
If you are overweight then, you quit!
If you are in debt and keep spending then, you quit!
If you need a drink everyday "Just to take the edge off" then, you quit!
If you are in a dead end relationship and you won't leave then, you quit!
If your dream is stuck inside of you then, you quit!
If you walk around afraid to be yourself, because you care what other's think about you then, you quit!
If you "half ass it" as a parent then, you quit!
If you have a secret addiction then, you quit!
If you can't be honest at least with yourself then, you quit!
If you constantly sell yourself short then, you quit!

There is only one thing gained from quitting...... NOTHING!

Don't be a quitter!

Dr. Donna

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who Stole Your Passion

There is a point in your live when you believe that you can accomplish your goals.

Then somewhere along your path an event occurs and you either press on, or you submit to the obstacle. If you give into the challenging event then you begin to die each day..... slowly. The sad part of giving in, is that no one really notices the difference because it is subtle. Eventually you turn into this person that lacks ambition, joy, passion and most importantly your dream no longer exist.

Your perception may be that the person you married to has impacted it, or your job stole it, or your children stifled it. The true reality is that people only have the power to take your passion if you allow them.

The bad news is that you took your passion from yourself.

The good news is that you have the power to give it back.

Take a moment and reflect:

1. When was the last time you walked in your passion?
2. Fast forward to the moment you stopped.
3. Erase the moment, event, or person that casued the shift.
4. Now start to live in your passion again.

Dr. Donna

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Cold Truth about Success

The cold truth about success is that if you decide to quit, the you will continue to be average. If you press forward and are relentless then you will always achieve success. I am often insulted by people that believe success was given to someone on a silver platter. The road to achieve success is one less traveled because it is filled with enormous challenges, that take mental, physical and emotional strength to navigate through. If you honestly believe that you are going to be successful by sitting around wishing and talking then you will be covered in dust waiting on your manifestation.

It takes 10,00 hours to become an expert in any field. If you are not willing to commit at that level then stop talking about "what you are going to do." In order to achieve success it requires daily focus. It means putting down the remote and picking up your craft. Sure you may miss out on a couple of social activities, or even sleep but, if you are truly determined then you will reap the rewards.

The cold truth about success is that there is no quick fix in achieving it. The road to success is simple either "put up or shut up!"

Dr. Donna Thomas-Rodgers

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dr. Donna is saying if you don't like your current situation change it! We all have the mental capacity to make it happen!